You previously helped Farah twice; she now needs your help a third time to enroll for 18 credit hours at university

Farah needs 413 JOD to enroll in the second semester for her second year to cover 18 credit hours majoring in Business Administration at the University of Jordan.
360 Credit hour fee
28 Insurance deposit and other activities fee
20 Computer usage fee
5 Semester service fee
Farah finished high school (Tawjihi) in the literacy stream in 2021 with a 92% average GPA. She then enrolled at the University of Jordan to study Business Administration and was given the Distinguished Student Scholarship, which covers a full academic year from the beginning of her first year at the university in 2022 until the first semester of 2023.
Farah applied for the Partial Scholarship that most students usually apply for, but unfortunately she didn't receive it because she didn't have enough points for the terms that the scholarship covered. However, due to the importance of studying, obtaining a bachelor's degree is one of Farah's priorities, and she needs help in raising the required amount in order to be able to register and continue her studies.
Farah completed a full year, including a semester summer and received an accumulative GPA of 2.36. In the first semester of her second year, she raised her cumulative GPA to become 2.64. She will now start the second semester of her second year.
Farah's father obtains an unstable and moderate income that does not cover the monthly obligations or the daily basics for his family members - as he is the sole breadwinner for the family. With your support, Farah will be able to graduate from university in order to support herself and her family later, thus improving their financial situation.