• Education
  • Balqa

Nisreen is a young woman striving to become a school teacher and needs your support to initiate her graduate degree

Total Donors
Ziad Qteishaat, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
The beneficiary's information was also verified by the Ministry of Social Development
Case description


Help Nisreen pursue her graduate degree in Education so that she can achieve her dream of becoming a classroom teacher. She successfully finished her high school diploma (Tawjeehi) two years ago, but her family was never able to cover the fees for her bachelor’s degree. Tadamon is raising funds to cover Nisreen’s first semester which includes her academic credit hours and registration fees. 





Nisreen needs 1,035 JOD to cover the fees for her first semester as illustrated below: 



Registration for a semester: 350 JOD

Application: 20 JOD

Refundable insurance: 50 JOD

Placement exams: 10 JOD

ID issuance: 5 JOD

Total = 435 JOD



Class Teacher has 132 credits, 50 JOD per credit

Nisreen will register 12 credits for the first semester

Total =  600 JOD


Nisreen is a 20 year old young lady and who is the eldest child in a family of 7 people. Nisreen successfully finished high school diploma (Tawjeehi) in 2020, with a score of 71.2, and it’s been her dream to study education, namely, Class Teacher, ever since. She believes in the power of education in shaping the next generation of thinkers in Jordan.


Not having a Jordanian National ID number, Nisreen is unable to enroll in governmental universities unless she registers in the parallel program or a private university, both of which cost a lot compared to the regular programs.


Her family is unable to cover the fees of her enrollment in the parallel program or private universities, as her dad struggles to find work everyday. He worked in a variety of daily-paid jobs, where he used to make 200 JOD a month on average. The entire income of the family is used to pay for food, school gear and general costs for her brothers and sisters, in addition to electricity and water. On top of that, the Corona pandemic hit Nisreen’s family really hard and her dad lost almost all of his income.


Nisreen is an ambitious girl and her inability to continue her studies is taking a toll on her mental wellbeing. She tried looking for jobs to cover her own fees to no avail, and now she stays at home with the rest of her family.

Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated 100 JOD
Anonymous donated 50 JOD