Nisreen is three grades closer to achieving the level of an ‘Excellent’ GPA in her degree of a Classroom Teacher
Nisreen's first semester (of 2022/2023) at Zaytoonah University in her Education Degree as a classroom teacher was a success as she achieved a 80.3 GPA out of 100. As the saying goes, you should study what you enjoy in order to work with passion in your field.
Nisreen kept the 40% discount on tuition costs that Al-Zaytoonah University provided her, thereby reducing the financial strain on her parents. We hope that Nisreen will improve her GPA by three grades in the current semester so that she will get an ‘Excellent’ GPA (the highest) and continue to rise till the end of her university years.
The beginning of a new chapter in her academic year and her achievement of a good GPA in the first semester provided Nisreen with the drive and inspiration to study more in the subsequent semesters.
"I was being a conscientious student in my studies to get high grades, and God rewarded my hard work. And I hope to improve my GPA even further this semester, God willing!" ~ Nisreen