• Nutrition
  • Amman

Karam was born healthy, but later it was discovered that he has a genetic mutation, which led to muscle weakness

Total Donors
Ziad Qteishaat, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
Case description

Name: Karam
Age: 3.5 years
Total Amount Required: 476 JOD
Support Provided: Essential nutritional needs


Karam, 3.5 years old, requires essential nutritional supplements to grow and maintain better health. The campaign will run for 4 months, and the breakdown of the required amount is as follows:

Descriptions Amount
Nutritional supplement (Seha) – 16 cans per month
188 JOD
Nutritional supplement (Prima Sure) – 4 cans per month
148 JOD
Fiber-rich fruits
100 JOD
Children's diapers – 2 packs per month
40 JOD




Karam, aged 3.5 years, was the first born after seven years of his parents' marriage - which brought immense joy to his parents. However, their happiness was short-lived, as Karam's condition changed drastically within the first six months. Instead of reaching developmental milestones like movement and interaction, Karam remained immobile, lying on his back. Clinical and genetic evaluations revealed that he suffers from severe motor disability and moderate auditory motor impairment in both ears. Additionally, a genetic mutation has led to significant muscle weakness in his limbs, rendering him unable to sit or stand independently. As a result, Karam relies entirely on his mother for all daily activities.

Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Naseem donated *.**