Hadeel’s only chance at a better life is to finish her college degree. Help her pay her pending fees!

Hadeel studies Graphic Design at Al-Khawarizmi University Technical College and has already completed 34 credit hours (equivalent to one year), however she must pay the remaining fees of the previous academic year 2021/2022 to continue the upcoming semester. Registration for the next semester of the academic year 2022/2023 will not be available to her until she has paid the remaining amount, which is 415 JOD.
*We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to Al-Khawarizmi University Technical College for their support by offering a 20% discount to Hadeel.
Education is the only way for Hadeel to progress in life and start helping her family, since she is the eldest of her siblings and will one day become the main provider for her parents. She needs our support to continue with her education as none of her family members work. Her father has debilitating back problems and her mother takes care of her husband and their 5 children.
If Hadeel doesn’t settle the remainder of her fees for the first semester as soon as possible, she will not be able to continue her education as they will not allow her back.
Hadeel’s Family
Hadeel’s family consists of 7 members, and they all live in a small house her grandparents once owned. Two of her sisters have health problems, and her father cannot work because he is currently 75% immobile. All Hadeel’s siblings go to school as their parents firmly believe in empowering their children through education so that they can have a better life than they do.