• Education
  • Zarqa

Help Amal, a top student with a 98.9% GPA, secure full tuition coverage

Total Donors
Rand Al-Kayyali, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
Case description

Name: Amal

Age: 26 

Amount needed: 480 JOD

Support provided: Enrollment in 12 credit hours at the university

Descriptions Amount
Tuition fees for 12 hours
480 JOD

* Semester registration fees covered by Amal





Amal, 26, is an exceptional student who has completed two university semesters, earning 21 credit hours with an impressive 98.9% GPA. She is just 9 credit hours away from qualifying for a full scholarship, which would cover her tuition entirely.


To stay on track, Amal wants to enroll in 12 credit hours in her first semester of the second year. This will surpass the scholarship requirement and help her advance in her studies, but she still needs to cover the remaining 480 JOD for tuition fees.


With her dedication and outstanding academic performance, we are confident that Amal will achieve her goal. Let’s support her in this final step toward securing a fully funded education.

Help us complete this case
Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated 240 JOD
Gift Card: donated 1 JOD
Mahmoud donated 1 JOD