• Education
  • Irbid

Support Bayan’s plans to conduct research in the field of nutrition and food technology!

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JEWELS, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
Case description


Bayan wishes to enroll in 17 credit hours for the first semester of her third year in the academic year 2023/2024.


272   Tuition fees for the semester for the 17 academic hours

  12   Registration fees 





Bayan, a 20-year-old living with her family of five. Her father works tirelessly to provide a decent living for his family through his laborious efforts. During winter, he collects firewood to sell; in summer, he tends to livestock, sells fresh milk, and prepares and sells cheese when it's in season. Despite his unwavering dedication, his venture to open a popular food stall selling hummus and falafel did not succeed.


Bayan, however, possesses remarkable potential. In 2021, she achieved an impressive 92.6% in her Tawjihi exams. This accomplishment led her to receive a scholarship from a charitable organization, enabling her to enroll in the Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST) to pursue a degree in Nutrition. Interestingly, Bayan stumbled upon this field by chance. Initially aspiring to study English, her grades allowed her to pursue that path. Yet, due to the exclusion of English from the admission criteria that year, she decided to pursue Nutrition and Food Technology instead. Although unfamiliar at first, she soon developed a strong passion for this field and found joy in studying it. Bayan dreams of furthering her education, obtaining advanced certifications, conducting research, and making a positive impact in her field.


Bayan's perseverance has brought her to the second year of her studies, with an impressive cumulative GPA of 3.0, having completed 65 credit hours. However, she still has 67 credit hours remaining, each costing 16 JODs. As she prepares to embark on the first semester of her third year at the university, she needs our support to continue her educational journey.


Your generous donation can be the change that propels Bayan toward her dreams. By contributing to her cause, you are investing in her future and the betterment of her community. 

Messages from our donors
Good luck Bayan
Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated 25 JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD