Health Aid
Obadah’s agony, which lasted 22 years, will end after an aortic (heart) valve replacement operation

The amount includes the operation for the aortic valve replacement, the heart valve to be replaced, anesthesia, discounted surgeon fees, and a stay in Al Khalidi Hospital for seven days under observation (including two in the ICU) until Obadah’s condition stabilizes. The pediatric cardiologist waived his fee to conduct this pro-bono.
A small, full-fledged child, but he was always crying, his heartbeat was fast, and his skin was bluish. Many questions had crossed his parents’ minds since that time, and after the clinical examination, it became clear that Obadah was born suffering from a rare medical condition called tetralogy of Fallot (meaning the presence of a hole in the heart).
At the age of two years, Obadah underwent his first operation to repair the hole. Yet, another operation was performed at the age of two and a half years to implant a tissue valve. What’s needed now is an operation to replace the aortic (heart) valve to regulate the heart rhythm.
Obadah has become a 22-year-old young man who is unable to do any work that requires effort, and he continues to use medication to regulate his heartbeat. With your help, Obadah’s life will change completely, so he can live his life normally, and his pain will remain in the past after the operation.