Health Aid
Continuous spasms occur throughout the day for Ola, leading to loss of consciousness. Oxygen machine needed!

Through your donations, we will be able to secure a 5-liter respiratory device for Ola, as well as provide her with a year's supply of essential medications that she cannot do without.
528 Adult diapers (8 pack)
000 Oxygen concentrator, 5 liter (in-kind donation)
377 Ialuset Plus 100 GM (2 pack) (to cure her ulcers)
348 Nexium 40 MG (2 pack)
Our second visit to Ola's house was not as usual. We didn't see the smile on her innocent face. The reason for that was her deteriorating health condition. During our conversation with her, she seemed very exhausted, and her face was pale. Suddenly, she lost consciousness, and her brother rushed to address the situation, calling her name repeatedly, but there was no response at all. It was as if she became inert, hearing her brother's words but unable to respond, due to the lack of oxygen reaching her brain, causing seizures.
Between three to four times, Ola experiences seizures, prompting her family to contact emergency services to save her life. Sometimes she needs to be transferred to the nearest government hospital, depending on the severity of the seizures.
The situation is difficult for Ola's father, who doesn't have enough resources to buy an oxygen device for his only 21-year-old daughter. Ola lost her mother when she was a child and now lives with her father, his wife, and the rest of their family members in a very humble house.
Learn more about Ola's full story by clicking on the link to her first campaign: