• Health Aid
  • Amman

Baby Essa must undergo a major surgery that would determine the rest of his life. Be part of this change and help end his daily suffering

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Dima Bashiti, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
Case description




The amount will cover this major surgery (taking between eight to ten hours) which includes pelvis re-breaking, bladder reconstruction, and old surgical mesh removal. Three specialized surgeons will operate on Essa at The Specialty Hospital, and they are: kidney and urinary tract surgeon for children, pediatric orthopedic surgeon, and pediatric general surgeon. After the surgery, baby Essa will have to stay at the hospital during the recovery process for no less than a month. 





Three hours after Baby Essa opened his eyes, he was admitted to an urgent major surgery in his lower abdomen in order to treat his congenital deformities: an open-book pelvis, clubfeet and bladder exstrophy (a rare birth defect in which the bladder develops outside the fetus). Once the surgery was performed, Essa had to stay at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). His father discharged him from the hospital because he was unable to afford the extremely-expensive costs that will be incurred for each day's stay at NICU: a sum that will exceed 30,000 JOD. As a result of the poor medical care after the surgery, the surgery failed. The incision got infected and inflamed which caused it to open up, rendering the surgery useless. At the age of four months, he underwent the same surgery in another hospital, but it failed as well due to poor post-surgery medical care.

Essa is a year and four months old, and has been constantly crying due to the pain and discomfort. He suffers from Bladder Exstrophy, Epispadias, and a surgical mesh from a previous surgery, as well as infections, foul odors in his pelvic area and involuntary urination. While babies prepare in this phase to make their first steps, Essa’s walking is abnormal  as a result of the curvature in his pelvic area. Currently, he is in urgent need of a major corrective surgery that must be performed in less than a month. During the surgery, which will take between eight to ten hours, Essa’s pelvis will be re-broken and a fixation device will be placed for a period of six weeks. After the orthopedic surgeon's assessment, the external fixation will hopefully be removed.


Furthermore, his bladder will be enlarged with a part of his ureters, if the ureters’ condition allows for the procedure to take place. In case the procedure takes place, an internal implantation of the ureters will be performed, where internal tubes will be implanted  which means he will need an additional surgery to remove the implanted internal tubes. Essa must undergo this surgery so he can urinate without the help of an external urine bag, and thus avoid infections in the area, and enabling him later on, of going to kindergarten and school and moving on with his life normally.

Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated 50 JOD
Firas donated 5 JOD
Anonymous donated 20 JOD