• Health Aid
  • Amman

Through the Eyes of Resilience; Zaid & Abed-Al-Ghane's Hazy Journey with Congenital Cataracts

Total Donors
Rand Al-Kayyali, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
Case description


The diligent usage of doctor-prescribed eye drops is of utmost importance for Zaid and Abed Al Ghane, and they must maintain their consistent use. The campaign will span 4 months, ensuring sustained support for their eye care journey.



162   Eye drop (Azarga)

104   Eye drop (Xolamol)/ 4 pack per month

100   Two bed mattresses

  90   Medical glasses (lenses)

  25   Medical glasses (frame)

  16   Transportation

  00   Pillow (free from the shop "The Doctor for Medical Mattresses")




In the face of misfortune, two young boys, Zaid and Abed Al Ghane, need our support and kindness. These brave brothers, aged 7 and 10, have been battling eye conditions since birth. Their father, once a hardworking carpenter, has faced financial hardships due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, their family of six struggles to meet even the most basic daily needs.


These boys face daily challenges; with his resilient spirit, Zaid has undergone multiple surgeries and treatments to combat his congenital cataracts. Despite his young age, he has already experienced the highs and lows of surgeries, laser treatments, and retinal interventions. Sadly, his vision remains limited, with only 10% visual acuity. Yet, Zaid continues to strive, his unwavering determination fueled by the vision of a future filled with clarity and possibility.


Abed Al Ghane, the older brother, also battles with congenital cataracts. Although his condition has stabilized, he still relies on glasses and requires regular check-ups. The uncertainty of his future visual health lingers, and his family must remain vigilant in managing his condition.


These brothers represent resilience and determination, but they cannot overcome these challenges alone. Your generous contribution will provide much-needed financial relief for their family, helping them cover the costs of medications and making a lasting difference in their journey towards better health and increased opportunities. Donate today and be a part of their vision of hope and resilience.

Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated 400 JOD
Anonymous donated 50 JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD