Case update - Seham lost her husband a year and a half ago, but thankfully her son is by her side and will continue the legacy
Seham and her son are happy with the beginning of the fall season, and they will enjoy warmth and comfort after providing household supplies

07 - 11 - 2023

With the 450 JOD that was raised up til September, we were able to buy all of Seham's needed items - as we gratefully received a discount from the suppliers, because they wanted to support this charity case. Seham now has a washing machine, stove, two mattresses, and a fan, which were purchased with a total amount of 391 JOD. For the savings of 59 JOD, we also purchased two carpets and a kerosene heater so that Seham and her only child will be ready for the winter season in warmth and comfort.


In October, we raised an additional 42 JOD, therefore we will purchase a gas cylinder based on Seham’s request.