• Health Aid
  • Amman

Reclaiming Independence, Allow Mohammad to Regain Control of His Body through Life-Changing Brain Surgery

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Petra Orfali, our Community Contributor, has verified this case
Case description


The procedure involves brain hemispheric deep brain stimulation at the cost of 13,500 JODs, divided into two surgeries with a six-month interval.

The amount of 6,750 JODs covers the first phase of the procedure, which includes deep brain stimulation of the first hemisphere. After six months, the second hemisphere will undergo deep brain stimulation, requiring another 6,750 JODs.

The procedure's success rate is estimated to be between 70-80%, depending on Mohammad’s response.


Mohammad is a 24-year-old young man who has faced more challenges in his short life than most of us can imagine. He is the youngest son in a family of six, and sadly, his father passed away from colon cancer a few months ago. This leaves Mohammad’s brother as the sole provider for his family, yet his meager income falls far short of covering their basic needs and monthly expenses.


Ten years ago, at 13, Mohammad's life took an unexpected turn when he was tragically run over by a car. The impact was devastating, and he was immediately rushed to receive urgent medical care. While initial treatments were administered and his injuries were addressed, little did Mohammad or his family know that this accident would have a lasting impact on his life.


With time, Mohammad began to experience involuntary movements in his hands and face which started to spasm uncontrollably. The situation worsened, and the spasms spread to his other limbs, rendering him unable to control his legs. Eventually, Mohammad found himself collapsing to the ground due to these sudden and unpredictable episodes.


Concerned for their son's well-being, Mohammad's parents sought answers from numerous medical professionals. After extensive testing and consultations, a heartbreaking diagnosis emerged; Mohammad was living with dystonia, a devastating condition characterized by involuntary muscle contractions. In his case, the impact was not localized but affected his entire body, making it generalized dystonia.


The condition has robbed him of his independence and severely limited his ability to secure employment and enjoy his youth. The unpredictable nature of his condition means that Mohammad may experience an episode at any moment and find himself helpless on the ground.


In Mohammad's time of greatest need, it is here that we can make a profound difference. Our compassion, generosity, and support can help him reclaim a sense of normalcy and improve his quality of life. By donating to Mohammad's case, we can provide him access to specialized medical treatments and therapies to alleviate his symptoms and enhance his daily functioning.


Let us stand by Mohammad's side, demonstrating our unity and making a tangible impact on his road to recovery. Donate today and be the hope that Mohammad and his family desperately need. Your contribution will transform one life and remind us all that little compassion and solidarity can make a difference, no matter how small.

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Thanks to our donors
Anonymous donated 6,811 JOD JOD
Anonymous donated *.** JOD
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