Health Aid
Izdihar needs help with the cost of diabetes test strips and insulin syringes

“Life’s difficult conditions have forced me to extend a helping hand to you... especially since all we have is God’s grace, and we know that you work at helping people like us who have been dealt a challenging hand in life and who are in desperate need. May God help you in your journey of helping others, and may God always give you strength to proceed and move forward and give you peace of mind.”
52-year-old Izdihar lost her vision five years ago due to retinopathy and high intraocular pressure, and unfortunately her health has been deteriorating since. She’s also developed diabetes - so diabetes test strips and syringes have become a necessity, and she barely has the means to cover their costs. Tadamon is raising funds to support Izdihar for 6 months as below:
- Two packs of diabetes test strips per month at JOD 32 (the price of one pack is JOD 16)
- 60 units of insulin syringes, as she needs two needles per day, morning and evening, at a price of JOD 6.6 (the price of pack/ contains ten syringe is JOD 1.1)
Izdihar's husband suffers from health problems that debilitate him from supporting his wife and providing for her, however, all Izdihar needs at the moment is help with securing her daily needs of diabetes test strips and insulin syringes.
Izdihar’s Story
Izdihar has two sons, both of whom are married and are the breadwinners of their families, but due to the difficult living conditions and the great responsibilities of each of them in providing for his wife and children, they can only provide for their parents' needs to a small extent, and therefore there is no stable source of income for Izdihar and her husband.