Israa is 13 with mental disability, she was never enrolled in special education and she needs it to learn and grow

After having been evaluated by the "Leish" institution, Israa needs to be enrolled for special education with a total cost of JOD 600, (JOD 200 a month for 3 months).
Israa’s family lives in abject poverty. They have no insurance, no stable income, and can barely cover the cost of housing, electric bills, water, and food. Their father is a day laborer and makes a maximum of JOD 10 a day. They need help securing the tuition fees of Israa’s special education for three months.
Israa needs special education as soon as possible, as her family has been unable to enroll her in a special education program for 13 years which worsened her condition in a gradual manner. The sooner she can be enrolled, the better are the chances of her learning and adapting to the world for her to become self-reliant.
Israa suffered from lack of oxygen to the brain as soon as she was born, leaving her with dire health complications, seizures, and cognitive delay. Her cognitive development was drastically impaired, leading to her having difficulty speaking and understanding language, as well as learning to adapt to day-to-day situations.
She is now 13 years old and has never been enrolled in a specialized center.