5-year-old Saifuddin suffers from cerebral palsy and has to live on a soft food diet – but his family can’t afford it.

"My son Saifuddin has Dandy Walker Syndrome in the brain and cerebellum, which caused him to have complete cerebral palsy. He cannot walk, stand, move, sit down, or even eat. He is a perfect child; all he needs is milk and we cannot even provide that."
- Saifuddin’s Mother
Five-year-old Saifuddin suffers from cerebral palsy as he was diagnosed with Dandy Walker Syndrome: a congenital brain malformation involving the cerebellum and the fluid-filled spaces around it, which is causing atrophy (shrinkage) in his brain. Saifuddin cannot eat and he has stopped gaining any weight (he currently weighs only 7 kilograms), and he lives on a specific kind of milk.
His family cannot afford his basic necessities, which are below. This campaign is for four months.
- JOD 64 for 4 PediaSure milk cans a month (JOD16/can).
- JOD 10.70 for a pack of 88 diapers (he needs 2-3 diapers a day)
- JOD 8 for 2 Hygienic mats (each pack contains 15 mats)
- JOD 5.85 for a tube of ‘ialuset Plus’ cream for ulcers
- JOD 16 for 4 Cerelac (JOD 4 /can)
Saifuddin’s father does some scrap work with an unstable income. Whatever he makes barely covers the family’s food for that day.
With all the difficulties this family is facing, their main priority now is Saifuddin and that’s the only thing they desire help with at the time being.
Saifuddin’s father struggles to provide for his family as he doesn’t have any other source for a steady income. His mother has health issues, as well as his brother, who has been suffering from old burns in his legs ever since he fell into a fire pit. Saifuddin’s family is battling several struggles in their lives, but they want to prioritize his health and survival before all else.